Solar Panels Home Net Zero Solar Panels Register Interest To begin your journey for purchasing solar panels, please complete the form below. Page 1 of 4 Please complete all required fields Your details Your name* Please enter your name Contact number* Please enter your contact number Contact email address* Please enter your email address Installation address Please make sure this is the address of the church What is the name of your church?* Please enter the name of your church Street* Please enter your street Town / City* Please enter your town/city Postcode* Please enter your postcode * required Next > Building information Brief description of church/building and layout* Please provide some information on the building Brief description of the building roof * Please provide some information on the building Materials used for the roof* Slate Concrete tiles Sheet material Flat roof Other Please select at least 1 option Please specify additional roof materials Invalid Input Are you able to pinpoint the exact roof that will be used for installation by using What3words?* Please selectYesNo Please select a response What3words code Invalid Input Do you have a ‘statement of significance’ or any ‘history of’ information for your church? Could this be provided if requested?* Please selectYesNo Please select a response Do you have a ‘statement of need’ to explain why you hope to install solar PV? Could this be provided if requested?* Please selectYesNo Please select a response Is your church listed and/or in a Conservation Area? * Please selectYesNo Please select a response Please provide as much detail as you can regarding the listed/Conservation Area status Please provide some information on the building Do you have any drawings for your church (site plan/floor plans or elevations)? If so, could you provide copies if required?* Please selectYesNo Please select a response Do you have an up-to-date Quinquennial Inspection Report? If so, could you provide a copy if required?* Please selectYesNo Please select a response Is your church registered with the online Faculty System?* Please selectYesNo Please select a response * required < PrevNext > Energy use information What form of heating system do you currently have? * Please selectElectricGasOilOther Please select a response Please specify: Invalid Input What is the approximate age of the heating system?* Please select0-2 years3-5 years6-8 years9+ years Please select a response What form of water heating do you currently have? * Please provide a response What lighting do you currently have?* Please provide a response Is it low energy lighting?* Please selectYesNo Please select a response Is your current electricity supply single phase, or 3 phase?* Please selectSingle phase3 phase Please select a response Please upload your most recent electricity bill* Select Invalid Input Please upload your half hourly data* Select Invalid Input Do you think there would be significant day-time electricity usage at the site?* Please selectYesNo Please select a response Who are your current providers for Gas and Electricity? * Please provide a response What is your typical annual consumption for electricity?* Please provide a response Are you interested in any of the following? Battery storage Electric charging points Hot water controllers Solar carports Invalid Input * required < PrevNext > General information What is your usual Sunday attendance?* Please select0-5051-100101-150151-200201-250251+ Please select a response What is the pattern of use of your building in a typical week? Please provide details.* Please provide a response Are you registered with EcoChurch? If so, please provide as much detail as possible.* Please provide a response How will you be funding this project? (Existing funds, grants, other fundraising etc)* Please provide a response Have you had previous advice in relation to installing solar PV? If so, please provide as much information as you can – particularly with regards to consultations you may have had with the local planning authority or your DAC* Please provide a response < PrevSubmit * required